44 years a Republican, 1 year an Independent, today I’m joining the Democratic Party
This was not an easy decision to make. Politics is like one’s religion, you just don’t change it unless you have a moment of clarity and realize you are on the wrong path. My family’s involvement in the GOP goes all the way back to the mid-1850s and the start of the GOP in Illinois.
My Mother’s family helped organize the GOP in Illinois. They were opposed to one human being owning another human being as chattel. They found slavery morally repugnant and were zealots in advocating its demise. My family has been GOP blue-blood.
That is how far back my roots run in the GOP. I have no roots in the Democratic Party. However, it is time for me to lay some down.
There are things I don’t like about the Democratic Party. There are people in the Democratic Party I dislike as much as I dislike Donald Trump. So, why not remain independent? There is a good reason for that.
In America, if you want to bring about change, if you want to be an agent of change and not a voice in the wilderness you must belong to one of one of the two political parties. I was a party faithful to the GOP. I often turned my nose up and voted for the GOP nominee no matter what. Some were good men and women, in fact, outstanding men and women. Others were as dumb as…